Monday, September 30, 2019

Male and Female Relations in Virginia Woolf’s Essay

Lily is also very much a product of society, yet she has new ideas for the role of women and produces one answer to the problems of gender power. Besides providing these examples of patriarchy, To The Lighthouse examines the tenacity of human relationships in general, producing a novel with twists, turns, problems, and perhaps a solution. Mrs. Ramsey is the perfect, patriarchal woman. She scarcely has an identity of her own. Her life is geared towards men: If he put implicit faith in her, nothing should hurt him; however deep he buried himself or climbed high, not for a second should he find himself without her. So boasting of her capacity to surround and protect, there was scarcely a shell of herself left for her to know herself by. (Woolf, Lighthouse 38). Identity is a strong desire in all humanity, yet in a patriarchal society it has been denied to women. Women who are owned by men are mere possessions, having no control over themselves and no way to develop their own personalities. Mrs. Ramsey needs people about her at all times because she has nothing internalized. She must create herself through other people. She is always bouncing off someone else, preferably a male who has power, yet needs her to keep that power. By gaining acceptance and love form those in power, Mrs. Ramsey creates a shadow of a self. Woolf says, â€Å"Not as oneself did one find rest ever, in her experience. Losing personality, one lost the fret, the furry , the stir† (Lighthouse 63). When alone Mrs. Ramsey must lose her personality because it is a show, a created essence which takes work to maintain. A symbol of this is apparent when Mrs. Ramsey covers the skull in her children’s room. She covers the reality with a veil, much like all men and women cover their true identity in order to play the role patriarchal society has given to them. Mrs. Ramsey even avoids looking at her own face in the mirror. Is it possible that she would not even recognize herself? I think, yes, because she does not have a fixed identity. She does not know who she is or what she really looks like. She must change in every situation, with every different man she is expected to support. Mrs. Ramsey supports these men in her life because that is the only way she can create an identity. Woolf suggests that even this support may be false. Of course it is false, because Mrs. Ramsey has no other choice. She cannot lose herself in her work like a man. Her work is to make men feel superior and this is ingrained in her mind. Of her husband we are told that, â€Å"She was not good enough to tie his shoe strings, she felt† (Woolf, Lighthouse 32). In spite of the power of men, To The Lighthouse suggests that many men feel sterile. Perhaps men are psychologically sterilized by power. Patriarchal men can form no equal relationships with women because they must always defend themselves. They cannot admit an equal into their life for fear of losing power. This could be why Mrs. Ramsey pitied men, â€Å"She pitied men always as if they lacked something. Women never, as if they had something† (Woolf, Lighthouse 85). The sense of sterility in men’s minds may also come form the biological fact that women are the childbearers. Nature has, in defiance of patriarchy, given women the central role in childbearing. At most, men are equals when it comes to having children. It seems as if Mr. Ramsey tries to disprove his sterility by having eight children. The fact remains, men are expendable when it comes to child bearing, and therefore they need to defend against this perpetual encroachment upon their power. The one man who is productive is Mr. Carmichael. It is interesting to note that he does not allow Mrs. Ramsey to support him. He refuses her and seems somewhat scared of perhaps falling back into the trap of patriarchal roles. Woolf tells us that Mr. Carmichael shrinks form Mrs. Ramsey and that, â€Å"she felt him wince. He did not trust her† (Lighthouse 40). Mr. Carmichael is productive because he does shrink away form Mrs. Ramsey and the sterilization that comes with the patriarchal relationships of men and women. Ms. Ramsey’s state of submission leads her to develop her power in other areas. Woolf suggests in fact, â€Å"that all this desire of hers to give, to help, was vanity. For her own self-satisfaction was it that she wished so instinctively to help, to give† (Lighthouse 41). Here Woolf implies that desire to give is a sort of vanity, a vanity that is control. Woolf also points out that, â€Å"Wishing to dominate, wishing to interfere, making people do what she wished. That was the charge against her, and she thought it most unjust† (Lighthouse 57). Of course Mrs. Ramsey should want to dominate in some arena. Men deny her control of her own life, so she reverts to subtle manipulation of others. John Stuart Mill states in The Subjection of Women, â€Å"[Women’s] power often gives her what she has no right to, but does not enable her to assert her own rights† (155). The power that Mrs. Ramsey cultivates is a perverted power created through the repression of their natural tendencies. She has no control over herself and therefore will try to control others, whom she really has no business trying to dominate. Mill also says of feelings: Women are schooled into suppressing them in their most natural and most healthy direction, but the internal principle remains, in a different outward form. An active and energetic mind, if denied liberty, will seek for power: refused the command of itself, it will assert its personality by attempting to control others. (213) When Mrs. Ramsey encourages Paul and Minta to marry, it is uncertain whether the union ever would have come about without her influence. The marriage does not succeed, not in the way Mrs. Ramsey would have envisioned. Her wish to dominate hurts others and herself. Eventually the struggle and lack of identity seem to cause Mrs. Ramsey’s death. She has to deal with all of the motional problems of family and friends, and she also deals with the day to day running of the household. Mills observes of married women, â€Å"she takes not only her fair share, but usually the larger share, of the bodily and mental exertion required by their joint existence† (164). Ramsey does not deal with the trivialities of family life, and goes into a rage at the expenses of running the house. Mrs. Ramsey had given. Giving, g iving, giving, she had died† (Woolf, Lighthouse 149). Mr. Ramsey portrays the evils of patriarchy on men. Women are not the only ones who are hurt. Mills says, â€Å"this power seeks out and evokes the latent germs of selfishness in the remotest corners of [men’s] nature† (153). Mr. Ramsey is extremely selfish. He belittles not only women , but also himself with the idea that he needs someone to praise him in order to be worthy. He is the empowerment one, but can only keep the power through the inferiority of others. Perhaps this need for superiority is also the cause of his raging attitude. Woolf’s description of Professor von X in A Room of One’s Own seems frighteningly accurate for Mr. Ramsey, â€Å"the professor was made to look very angry and ugly in my sketch, as he wrote his great book upon the mental, moral and physical inferiority of women† (Woolf 31). Both the professor and Mr. Ramsey are angry and must, in order to gain power through patriarchy, keep women in their inferior position. Woolf makes this point on power division very apparent in Mr. Ramsey’s worry about how good his books are. He is not satisfied with pleasing himself; he must be better than others to retain power. This power causes his isolation and psychological sterility. Woolf writes that, â€Å"the fatal sterility of the male plunged itself, like a beak of brass, barren and bare. He wanted sympathy† (Lighthouse 37). Woolf shows here one important fallacy inherent in the patriarchal system. It is odd that men believe in the inferiority of women, yet they rely on those inferior women to give them praise and sympathy. However, Mill observes that, â€Å"There is nothing which men so easily learn as this self-worship: all privileged persons, and all privileged classes, have had it† (158). Not only does Mr. Ramsey learn this self-worship, he has followers. Mrs. Ramsey and all women must kneel at his alter. His contemporaries and future intellectuals must admire his work. Even young men, like Charles Tansley, want to model themselves after Mr. Ramsey. Perhaps these young men only see the superior position of the patriarchal man; they certainly do not understand the implications of the sterility and anger that go with power. The many general comments about human relationships in Woolf’s novel point out the frailty and questionable nature of love and friendship in a patriarchal society. Woolf writes, â€Å"How then did it work out, all this? How did one judge people, think of them? How did one add up this and that and conclude that it was liking one felt, or disliking† (Lighthouse 24). Here Woolf highlights the almost ambiguous nature of liking. Any human trait may evoke many different emotions in people. Physical factors, such as distance, may also influence relationships. If a loved one is far away, a person may forget that loved one and let love or liking die a natural death. For Woolf, therefore, human relationships are rather inadequate. They are changing, and Woolf notes, â€Å"self-seeking, at best† (Lighthouse 42). Perhaps if the characters had more stable and defined self-identities, their relationships would be more true, without that self-seeking goal. Lily is also a product of the patriarchal society, yet she struggles to break out of the role assigned to her by men. Why she does this is not clear. She is an artist, and maybe she feels more deeply or sees more clearly than other women. Woolf seems to point out that women artists have difficult time in patriarchal society. In A Room of One’s Own, Woolf asks of women artists, â€Å"who shall measure the heat and violence of the poet’s heart when caught and tangled in a woman’s body? † (50). Lily is also taking care of her father, so probably her mother is dead. Maybe her mother has been dead for a long while, and Lily has had no submissive role model. Perhaps she just sees what this role does to women. Lily loves Mrs. Ramsey and it must hurt her to know Mrs. Ramsey has no self and must cater to men. In any case, Lily thinks often and deeply about the roles of men and women. Not only does Lily notice that Victorian, patriarchal society hurts Mrs. Ramsey, but she also notices that it negatively affects Mr. Ramsey. Lily thinks, â€Å"Could one help noticing that habits grew on him? Eccentricities, weaknesses perhaps? It was astonishing that a man of intellect could stoop as low as he did — but that was too harsh of a phrase — could depend so much as he did upon other people’s praise† (Woolf, Lighthouse 23). In a patriarchal society, the influence of men on women and women on men is a vicious circle. Lily tries to escape this game, yet time and time again she is drawn in, especially when she is around Mrs. Ramsey. Lily lies and is insincere in her attempts to placate the men around her. Lily, however, realizes her deceit and the harm it causes. She resists the male/ female role game and wonders, â€Å"But how would it be †¦ f neither of us did either of these things? † (Woolf, Lighthouse 91). When she is drawn in and lies, Lily only strengthens her resolve to resist this pressure in the future. She realizes the importance of relations and how these narrow, gender roles create false identities Woolf’s narrator underscores the fact that, â€Å"She had d one the usual trick — been nice. She would never know him. He would never know her† (Lighthouse 92). The difference in Lily is that she does have an identity. She does have work in her art. Lily does not need to be around other people because she is someone. She does not need to be externally created; she is real. With her unique identity, Lily is allowed unique ideas on relationships. She sees how men respond to Mrs. Ramsey, that the love men gave was to an idea or ideal, â€Å"love that never attempted to clutch its object; but, like the love which mathematicians bear their symbols, or poets their phrases† (Woolf, Lighthouse 47). Men loved this symbol of patriarchy. Mrs. Ramsey is to the patriarchal man what a symbol is to a mathematician or a phrase is to a poet. She is a symbol to men; men could not love Mrs. Ramsey as an individual because she does not exist. In her art, Lily creates what she herself sees, a representation of life through her own eyes. Lily is struck with the need to move her tree to the center of her painting. Lily thinks, â€Å"she need not marry, thank Heaven: she need not undergo that degradation. She was saved from that dilution. She would move the tree rather more to the middle: (Woolf, Lighthouse 102). Lily will not â€Å"dilute† herself by joining with a man. Lily decides to be autonomous, as Woolf tells us that, â€Å"she would move the tree to the middle, and need never marry anybody, and she had felt an enormous exultation† (Lighthouse 176). Moving the tree symbolizes the oneness of Lily. She is not going to be united with a man. She is going to keep her identity and fix it in the middle of her painting, her representation of life. Still, Lily feels the urge to comfort Mr. Ramsey after Mrs. Ramsey had died. She decides to give him what she can because, as a woman, she fees guilt about causing his need. In order for patriarchy to perpetuate, women have been brainwashed and inundated with the belief that they re placed on earth to support men. If a woman ever tries to rebel against patriarchy, the guilt is inevitable. Lily thinks of Mr. Ramsey’s pleas for sympathy, † A woman, she had provoked this horror; a woman, she should have known how to deal with it† (Woolf, Lighthouse 152). But Lily, in her strength, overcomes the guilt and refuses to play the game f patriarchy, and Mr. Ramsey cannot play the game alone. Lily and Mr. Ramsey’s relationship may be uncomfortable, but it certainly is an improvement for male/female relationships. Lily notes that she has, â€Å"reduced their relationship to something neutral, without that element of sex in it which made his manner to Minta so gallant, almost gay† (Woolf, Lighthouse 170). Perhaps the discomfort is caused by the breaking of tradition, the lace of power on Mr. Ramsey’s part and the empowerment of Lily. After denying Mr. Ramsey comfort, when he is sailing to the lighthouse, Lily thinks, â€Å"Whatever she had wanted to give him, when he left her that morning, she had given him at last† (Woolf, Lighthouse). Lily has given Mr. Ramsey the freedom from patriarchy. She did not let him fall into the trap of making a woman praise him. Without that false worship, Mr. Ramsey will be forced to develop his identity based on reality, and Lily and all women will be forced to develop an identity separated from men. With these thoughts, Lily is able to secure her own identity by drawing a line in the center of her painting, and secure her own identity by drawing a line in the center of her painting and secure her personality in life. To The Lighthouse offers this look at human relationships with a promise of bettering those relations through change. Even today there are strong remnants of patriarchy dominating society. Men consistently climb higher in management and receive higher pay for equal jobs. This novel shows both men and women suffering and struggling with societal roles.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Challenges Children Face in Divorced Families Essay

The death of a parent is less devastating to a child than a divorce. (Billota, 2012) There are long term and short effects that children face during and post divorce. There are six stations in which most couples face while going through these trials. About fifty percent of married couples will get a divorced before the children are of the age of 18. (Scott, 2010) Since divorce is so complex I will discuss some guidelines on how to ease the pain on children growing up or going through a household in which parents are getting a divorce. The death of a parent is less devastating to a child than a divorce. (Billota, 2012) After carefully analyzing this statistic I can say that I agree with the statistical fact. Speaking from personal experience, I feel like I am a creditable source and can relate to this topic of Challenges Children Faced in Divorced Families. Another statistic is that half of American children, under the age of eighteen will witness the actual break of their parents and half of those children will also witness the failure of the second marriage. The percentage of children being raised without their fathers in America is an astonishing forty percent. Children who experienced a divorce are more like to be at a higher risk for illness or injury such as asthma, headaches, and speech defects. (Billota, 2012) These are just a few of the statistical facts that children of divorce face. My name is Mayra and I am a statistic. I come from a divorced family; I witnessed the breakup of my parents and both of their second marriages. I am a divorcee, my son is a recipient of speech therapy and I was raised without a father. Divorce is a death of a commitment and a promise, but unlike a death of a parent, it isn’t someone we mourn and then slowly move forward from, it is a death that we have to deal with on a day to day basis. This is why the death of a parent is less devastating to a child than of a divorce. (Billota, 2012) â€Å"I, Mayra, take thee, Erick, to be my lawful wedded husband. To have and to hold from this day forward; for better or for worse; in sickness and in health; to love, to honor, obey, and cherish; from this day forward; till death do us part.† These are common broken vows. Why do people marry? According to our text, people marry for love and commitment as well to avoid the inevitable feeling of loneliness. (Scott, 2010) A steady companionship is ideal in society and although that isn’t the sole reason for marriage, it is one of the major reason people pursue marriage. Other reasons people get married besides personal fulfillment, can be for financial reasons, wealth, power and reproductive reasons. (Scott, 2010) In a perfect world everyone would live a fairytale marriage and live a happily ever after. In today’s society divorce is what happens when couples don’t work out. Some might refer to it as a trend; do to the simple fact that in the most recent years the numbers of divorce rates have increased to a little more than 1 million a year. (Scott, 2010) Factors that affect marital stability are, but not refined just to, age of first marriage, education of individuals, income, religion, parental divorce, cohabitation, and presence of children. (Scott, 2010) There are different stages in the process of divorce. Starting from when the conflict between the married couple begins and last a period of time; to the initiation of legal paperwork; to the spouses’ adaption to the dissolution of the troubled marriage. (Scott, 2010) As mentioned above some factors that affect marital stability include the presence of children. Marriages can last longer if children are indeed present do to the fact that parents don’t want their children to grow up in a broken home; it can be imposed values or the sense of guilt. In cases when the marriage cannot be salvaged and there are children involved in the dissolution; it is best that the parents take time to careful initiate the process while providing stability and structure. (Scott, 2010; Block, Kemp, & Smith, 2012) The six stations that married couples face as they divorce are: emotional, legal economic, coparental, community and psychic divorce. During the emotional station, either one or both partners begin to question their marriage based on the viability or quality. One or both partners may withdraw emotionally, withhold feelings and may withhold affection. Intentionally hurting one another may occur because of the frustration, anger or resentment that they might feel towards each other or one another. Separation during this stage is common and it is common to do so after an argument or fight. (Scott, 2010) It is crucial that from this stage parents recognize that in order to avoid their children from feeling the stress and the pain of a divorce, that they provide structure, love and reassurance to the children. One thing to remember is not to belittle one another or argue in front of the children. (Block, Kemp, & Smith, 2012) During my emotional station, we both detached from one another and intentionally hurt one another by verbally insulting each other. An argument that occurred while placing an order at a restaurant was all it took to know that the person that I married knew nothing about me after 6 years of marriage. I took into account that I had a son and I didn’t want him to grow up without both parents, but I figured it wasn’t a healthy marriage and I couldn’t hide my pain, it showed and affected my relationship with my son. I left within a couple of days of that argument. Second station: The legal divorce officially ends the matrimony and gives both parties the right to remarry or see other people as they please. This is a deliberating period of time and usually takes months before it’s finalized. Divorce can be expensive and result in either spousal support, alimony, and or child support, which leads’ us to our third station: economic divorce. Economic divorce involves the economical settlements of tangible items that may have been accrued during the marriage. It includes homes, cars, bank accounts, investments and any future earnings. This station is not applicable to every marriage being that not every marriage last as long and may or may have not accrued much. Stations two and three may also affect the challenges the children face during these periods. Children may face the challenge of not seeing either parent for long periods of time and have to incorporate a new schedule and routine. It is common for a father to become less involv ed with their children during this period because of their perceptions of possible sources of support. Fathers may feel that by providing child support they no longer have resume their ties to fatherly duties. During the economic station, children may also face economical changes. It is common for the mother to have custody and usually in household incomes the father has a higher income. If they live with the mother the child may not live the life as if both parents combined their income causing stress and emotional pain to a child. (Scott, 2010) Being involved with the children after divorce is a great way to reassure them that they have both parents’ regardless of the separation. And even through the economical changes, providing the children with a safe secure home, establishing a routine, and providing structure will ease the challenges the children face. (Block, Kemp, & Smith, 2012) Children react to divorce by having feeling of denial, anger, sadness, rejection, despair and grief and loneliness. Station 4 the coparental divorce involves the responsibilities the parents have to the children that include, custody, visitation, and financial and legal aspects of it. (Scott, 2010) Engaging in custody battle adds an abundant amount of stress to all parties, especially the children. Ensuring that the children don’t get caught in between battle is important. Parents should make sure they don’t have the children chose sides and always remember it should be in the best interest of the child. (Block, Kemp, & Smith, 2012) The community divorce, station five, involves the changes of the social relationships which includes relatives and friends that are associated with a former spouse. This can act as a loss to either family member. Having to detach from relatives, such as in-laws, mutual friends, family members of the former spouse, puts a toll on everyone because people are left to feel like they have to choose sides. Children face the challenges of losing friends and the luxury of having the sense of family. (Scott, 2010) In my personal situation, mutual friends were forced to take sides because my former spouse couldn’t handle the thought of sharing anything that had to do with me. Former family members feel like they can’t invite to family parties out of respect to my ex, but it affects my son because, he misses his father’s family. Situations like these are best handled by presenting as a united front. (Block, Kemp, & Smith, 2012) The psychic divorce, sixth station, has no time frame and involves defining yourself as single person rather than a couple. During this process, people mourn their failed marriage, use the time to discover their self, distance themselves from the divorce and accept the breakup. The station of difficulty and time varies from individual to individual. (Scott, 2010) Children absorb so much through divorce and being a strong parent, who reassures them that they are not at fault or cause for the divorce helps ease the grief caused by the divorce. Helping children express emotions and committing to listen to the children without getting defensive reassures the unconditional love that you have for them. Adjusting to new circumstances is difficult for children, they can look at divorce as a loss and by supporting their feelings helps create that trust that may have been lost with the divorce. (Block, Kemp, & Smith, 2012) Divorce on children has a short term and long term effect. The short term experiences that are most commonly shared among children whose parents divorced are: rejection, anger, denial, sadness, despair, and grief. Children tend to feel guilty and blame themselves for the divorce and fantasize about parents reuniting. The stresses of this may cause health problems, both physical and psychological. Health problems may be caused by the lack of health insurance following the divorce, which creates a health problematic for children. The stress of the divorce may lead to depression and leave the children feeling incompetent. This depends on the guidance of the parents and the adjustment process of the child. Long term effects may not be as clear and consistent. Long term effects are long-lasting and interfere with the process of social-emotional developmental. (Scott, 2010) Children of divorced families are four more times likely to have problems with their peers. It is also said that boys who come from divorced parents tend to be more aggressive toward their peers than those who don’t come from a broken home. (Billota, 2012) The adult children of divorced parents show much more anxiety and have a higher rate of having failing interpersonal relationships. The more common long term effect of children of divorced parents is low self-esteem, depression and school and behavior problems. These are the negative effects and challenges children face. (Scott, 2010) Support for marriage and families can be found online, within the community and schools. Some schools provide affordable counseling services. Parents who decide to divorce are encouraged to learn about the effects children face during divorce. It may help reduce risks children might face during and after the process. There is a high risk for fathers to be less involved with their children after divorce, so it is encouraged that families promote activities that involve parents and children so that it help them stay connected (Scott, 2010) Important guidelines to help children cope are, telling the truth, saying â€Å"I love you†, addressing the changes, avoid blaming anyone, listening and acknowledging feelings, having patience, providing reassurance, and providing a structured routine. When in doubt, it is encouraged to seek professional help. (Block, Kemp, & Smith, 2012) By providing all the above, helps give the children a sense a security and perhaps the hope that everything is for the better. It would be nice if children from divorced families could break the vicious cycle of divorce. I can say that for two yours I put a lot effort into making my marriage work. I encourage everyone to take premarital counseling and post-marital counseling. I believe to have a strong successful marriage there needs to be a solid foundation of communication, trust and respect. Love is an emotion and in most cases conditional, the only unconditional love that I ever known is for my son. I can’t say that for everyone. If I would have known that I was going to cause so much emotional pain getting a divorce, never in a million years would have given up after two years. The death of a parent is less devastating to a child than a divorce. (Billota, 2012) Works Cited Billota, L. (2012, March 23). 18 Shocking Statistics About Children and Divorce. Retrieved from Marriage Success Secrets website: Block, J., Kemp, G., & Smith, M. (2012, March 21). Children and Divorce. Retrieved from Scott, M. A. (2010). Marriages and Families. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Audit Assurance and Compliance for Accountability- myassignmenthelp

The main information is seen to be based on the various types of eh compliance which is seen to be based on the financial report of DIPL. This has been further seen to be based on the development pertaining to the audit plan with the various types of the guidelines generated in the audit process. In particular this has been seen to be helpful for the assessor in the consideration of the various types of the consideration made in the audit cost as per the assists in the aversion in the aversion for misunderstanding of the clientele data. The various aspects of the analytical data has been further seen to be associated to the dissemination of the information based on the financial declarations of the company. The important aspect of the process has been further based on the specific approach of the financial declarations, financial analysts and accountants for taking vital business decisions (Mahmoud Hosseinniakani, Inà ¡cio and Mota 2014). The analytical approach has been further considered as per the common sizing and analyse the reference point. The comparison of the financial statement has been considered as per the different types of the methods seen to be conducive for different period in different corporations. The ratio analysis of the company has been further seen to be considered as per the financial declarations of the audit (Adams and Evans 2004). Explanation of the way the results influence planning decisions for the audit The planning of the decisions has been further seen to be considered as per the audit planning when necessary. The results of the analytical process have been considered as per the classification of the financial statements as per the relevant information. For example, the various types of the outcomes of the ratio has been taken into account as per the current ratio of DIPL. This has been computed as 1.42 in 2013, 1.46 in 2014 and 1.5 in 2015. The main aspect of the profitability has been further seen to be 0.068 in 2013, 0.60 in 2014 and 0.06 in 2015. The various aspects of the profitability have been further able to reveal that the net income earned by the firm has been compared to sales from DIPL   (Ruhnke and Schmidt 2014). The assessor needs to understand the reason for high or low expenses to curtail the budget and time. The various types of fluctuations in the ratio are conducive for audit assessment with the soundness in the financial position. Comparably in 2013 and 2015, the solvency ratio is discerned as 0.62 and 0.21(Ghani and Rahman 2015). The important aspect of auditing has been able to show several incidences of material misstatements in the financial announce with a particular company. The various types of the risks have been further related to the financial misstatements with the financial declarations of the corporation. The risks have been further assessed as financial as well as non-financial factors. Despite of this fact the other related risks are seen to be related with omission and diverse errors, which are further seen to be diverse in nature for the operations of business in DIPL (Knechel 2016). As per the given situation the various transactions has been omitted by accountants. This has been directed sequentially with the inconsistencies particular to the essential planning with the sales activity. The depictions made from the study has further disclosed about the accomplishment in terms of the profit generated from sales. The analysis off the given case has been further seen to be associated to the IT implementation process related to certain issues. DIPL is not adequate to handle the execution process and the installation of the reconciliation and the testing of new arrangement at the year end (Kilgore, Harrison and Radich 2014). The cash receipts have been recorded as per the inherent risk present in the company and the same has been suspected based on the material misstatement consideration. Excessive pressure on employees and management- The excess work pressure among the members and the staff has been further related to poor bookkeeping practice. The various attributes has considered as per the poor liquidity, operating outcome and issues in the cash flow (Schmidt, Wood and Grabski 2016). Risks of errors or else incorrect misrepresentation- The main form of the intricacies and the errors has been misrepresented simultaneously (Duncan and Whittington 2014). Integrity of the entire management- The management team of DIPL is seen to lack the required integrity and the expectation to prepare the reputational loss in the business. Unusual pressure on management- The existence of the incentives for the management is based on the issues associated to exits incentives for the misstatements in the pecuniary declarations. Nature of entity business- The growth in the major economies has been seen to be competitive in this circumstance. The aforementioned aspects of the inherent risk of the business have been further based on the consideration to analyse the planning structure of the audit (Gul, Wu and Yang 2013). Identification and explanation of two key fraud risk factors relating to misstatements arising from fraudulent financial reporting The main risks indicated has been considered as per the amount loss incurred based on the fraud. The dissatisfaction among the workforce is based on the employees inducing their involvement in fraud. The various types of the consideration have been further based on specific financial outcomes in terms of changing of the guarantees generated (Kubuabola 2013). Fraud incidence for workforce engagement The main aspects of the fraud risk has been further considered as per the operation of DIPL. The operations of DIPL have been further based on consideration of novel accounting system. The pressure from the employees has been seen to be carried in the installation process for the new IT systems leading to fraud in accounting. The revealing of the IT system has also showed that the engagement in the fraudulent activities has led to the material statement in the audit statement. The various discussions of the study have been also able to show that incidence of improper handling of the IT procedure and allocation of transactions at the end of every year. This may further lead to loss by the end of every year. The different types of the discussions of the study has been further able to show the various incidences associated to the improper handling of the process and the IT and the improper allocation of the transactions during the end of each year (Christensen, Glover and Wood 2013). The fraud in the financial report has been seen to be another important risk factor. At times, due to excessive pressure it has been observed that the outside financiers will be able to declare the various types of the specific announcements made by the financial management to adhere to the certain goals to qualify for the acquisition of the debt. The high nature of the risk has been further seen to be associated to the improper financial considerations. The financial position of DIPL has been further able to depict the different considerations for the increasing trend of revenue from 2013 to 2015.In addition to this; the current asset of DIPL has increased to a considerable level. The gross profit has also increased from 2013 to 2015. The main considerations of the study has been taken with loan amounting to 7.5 million particularly in the loan agreement by maintaining current ratio of 1.5 and the debt equity has been seen to be lower than 1. This particular requirement has been rel ated to the considerations made in terms of improper reflection of the financial position. The company failed in terms of the maintaining the prescribed benchmark which will be able to relate to make the company eligible for the non- eligible finance of BDO (Ackers and Eccles 2015). As per the case study, the valuation of the raw materials of the inventory has been considered at a certain average cost which has been not seen to be appropriate with the present cost considerations. This is because the cost on paper was more than the average cost. The risk associated to the fraudulent activities has been   further seen to be based on monitoring and the evaluation of the financial statement at the same time (Winer et al. 2015). Ackers, B. and Eccles, N. S. (2015) ‘Mandatory corporate social responsibility assurance practices’, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 28(4), pp. 515–550. doi: 10.1108/AAAJ-12-2013-1554. Adams, C. and Evans, R. (2004) ‘Accountability, Completeness, Credibility and the Audit Expectations Gap’, JCC 14 Summer 2014, pp. 97–115. doi: 10.9774/ Christensen, B. E., Glover, S. M. and Wood, D. A. (2013) ‘Extreme estimation uncertainty and audit assurance’, Current Issues in Auditing, 7(1), pp. 36–42. doi: 10.2308/ciia-50447. Duncan, B. and Whittington, M. (2014) ‘Compliance with Standards, Assurance and Audit: Does this Equal Security?’, in Security of Information and Networks (SIN), 2014 Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on, pp. 77–84. doi: 10.1145/2659651.2659711. Ghani, N. L. A. and Rahman, A. R. A. (2015) ‘An analysis of Shari’ah audit practices in islamic banks in Malaysia’, Jurnal Pengurusan, 43, pp. 107–118. Gul, F. A., Wu, D. and Yang, Z. (2013) ‘Do individual auditors affect audit quality? Evidence from archival data’, Accounting Review, 88(6), pp. 1993–2023. doi: 10.2308/accr-50536. Kilgore, A., Harrison, G. and Radich, R. (2014) ‘Audit quality: what’s important to users of audit services’, Managerial Auditing Journal, 29(9), pp. 776–799. doi: 10.1108/MAJ-08-2014-1062. Knechel, W. R. (2016) ‘Audit Quality and Regulation’, International Journal of Auditing, 20(3), pp. 215–223. doi: 10.1111/ijau.12077. Kubuabola, S. (2013) External Quality Audit, External Quality Audit. doi: 10.1016/B978-1-84334-676-0.50005-4. Mahmoud HOSSEINNIAKANI, S., Inà ¡cio, H. and Mota, R. (2014) ‘A Review on Audit Quality Factors’, International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting Finance and Management Sciences, 4(2), pp. 243–254. doi: 10.6007/IJARAFMS/v4-i2/861. Ruhnke, K. and Schmidt, M. (2014) ‘The Audit Expectation Gap: Existence, Causes, and the Impact of Changes’, Accounting and Business Research, 44(5), pp. 572–601. doi: 10.1080/00014788.2014.929519. Schmidt, P. J., Wood, J. T. and Grabski, S. V (2016) ‘Business in the Cloud: Research Questions on Governance, Audit, and Assurance.’, Journal of Information Systems, 30(3), pp. 173–189. doi: 10.2308/isys-51494. Winer, R. A., Bennett, E., Murillo, I., Schuetz-Mueller, J. and Katz, C. L. (2015) ‘Monitoring Compliance to Promote Quality Assurance: Development of a Mental Health Clinical Chart Audit Tool in Belize, 2013’, Psychiatric Quarterly, 86(3), pp. 373–379. doi: 10.1007/s11126-014-9331-5.

Friday, September 27, 2019

The number of owners of mobile phones has grown rapidly and hence the Essay

The number of owners of mobile phones has grown rapidly and hence the demand for mobile phones has also grown rapidly. Yet the prices of mobile phones have fallen. Why Explain using relevant diagrams - Essay Example However, in the mobile phone market, the demand for mobile phones increases as the price of the mobile phones decreases. This can be attributed to various reasons. Begg et al. (2011) notes that, for there to be an increase in demand, there have to be a change in one or more of the demand determinants. An increase in demand will in turn cause a shift to the right of the demand curve. When there is a shift to the right of the demand curve, the markets equilibrium will be disrupted thus causing a temporary shortage of the product being demanded. The temporary shortage created is eliminated with an increase in price of the product. However, in the mobile phone industry, there has been an increase in demand and a decrease in their prices. This can be attributed to various factors (Research and Markets 2011). Sloman & Garratt (2010) posits that an increase in demand of mobile phones can be caused by an increase in buyers’ income. When the level of income of the buyer increase, the buyer gets more money to spend on a certain commodity, which they are interested in. this happens when there is an increase in the income for a normal good. Moreover, an increase in demand for mobile phones can be attributed to a decrease in income of the buyer for an inferior good. Moreover, an increase buyer’s preference on mobile phones against other communication gadgets has caused a shift in the demand curve for mobile phones. Mobile phones are preferred since they are easier to use and results to instant feedback as compared to earlier means of communication such as letters. Moreover, mobile phones are preferred since they are cheap to afford as well as offers flexible means of communication (Mobile Promotions Market 2012). Mobile phones have gained consumer confidence in that the advanced systems allow the user to make audio-visual calls. Furthermore, mobile phone industry has experienced a boom in sales due to inflexibility of its competitors. For

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Impact of Fast Food Advertising on Childhood Obesity Research Proposal

Impact of Fast Food Advertising on Childhood Obesity - Research Proposal Example nd construction of modern transportation networks have boosted domestic and international trade, which not only created new business opportunities for entrepreneurs but also led to emergence of competition and disposable culture among general public. The life has, indeed, become a race and consumers today demand more disposable (Use, Throw and Forget notion) products so that they could adjust in this speedy external world. In a society where people do not find sufficient time to cook food for breakfast, lunch and dinner, there are greater opportunities for fast food businesses that bombard people with a large variety of junk food including burgers, pizzas, sandwiches etc. The inauguration of new franchised outlets by renowned fast food chains such as Burger King, KFC, McDonalds, Carl’s Jr., Pizza Hut and Dominos etc. coupled with entrance of new firms, is the open evidence that demand of fast food has increased considerably in last 2 decades. For instance, the international fa st food chains have also created demand through aggressive informative, persuasive and reminder advertising besides derived demand, for which credit goes to advertising agencies and media resources. Kaiser Family Foundation (2004) has mentioned the following, In short, it is justified to argue that almost 80-90% population including tweens (8 – 12 years), teenagers (12 – 16 years), young adults (16 – 24 years), adults (24 – 40 years), middle aged (40-55) has become addict to fast / junk food because they tend to visit such chains frequently. However, it should not be forgotten that doctors regard fast food quite detrimental and noxious for health of children because it causes obesity and overweight issues. This later affects psychological and mental well-being of children. The research will be conducted to study the increasing use of advertisements by fast food companies and its impact on a child’s purchase decision regarding junk food. The researcher will also identify the

Acid Ratios Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Acid Ratios - Essay Example The current ratio uses total current assets and total current liabilities. Total current assets are divided by total current liabilities to give the current ratio. Meanwhile, acid test ratio is found by the use of total current assets, total current liabilities, and inventory. The equation for the quick ratio is inventory taken away from total current assets and divided by total current liabilities. 1. In order to work out the current ratio for Thingamajigs and Things, we first need to find out the components of the equation so we can calculate the current ratio. Thingamajigs and Things’ total current assets are worth $45,000, and their total current liabilities are $9,000. If we divide the total current assets by the total current liabilities then we get a ratio of exactly 5 (Lane, 2011). In looking at WannaBees, we can see that they have total current assets of $150,000 and total current liabilities of $85,000. Once we conduct the calculation for the current ratio, we get a figure of 1.76 (Lane, 2011). In determining what these numbers mean, we first have to judge what figure is an acceptable figure to have. The current ratio should not go below 1 or else the company should be concerned (Kennon, 2011). In general, a high current ratio shows that the business has sufficient amounts of cash on hand and cannot be considered a financial risk. In this case, Thingamajigs and Things has a much higher current ratio than WannaBees. If both of these companies were applying for a bank loan, Thingamajigs and Things would be more likely to receive it. 2. Thingamajigs and Things’ total current assets are $45,000, its total current liabilities are $9,000, and its inventory is worth $30,000. If we conduct an acid test ratio, we come up with a figure of 1.67 (Lane, 2011). On the other hand, WannaBees has total current assets of $150,000, total current liabilities of $85,000, and an

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How might cultural differences impact on the job application process Essay

How might cultural differences impact on the job application process - Essay Example Depending on the country and organization, job application process varies. In addition, the course also faces opposition from different factors ranging from legal to training requirements. People differ in attitudes, personalities, understanding and values around the world. Interestingly, consolidation of these differences is necessary to achieve a single working environment. People spend their lives working and moving from job to job frequently. This is partly to maximize their potential while at the same time maintaining their productivity and happiness. The diversity in working environments furthermore allows them to earn enough money for survival and maximize their potential (Blommaert 2010, pp. 113). The difference in self-identity and self-opportunity has initiated a strain in job application process. Notably, cultural differences pose challenges to the job application process in various ways. Understanding cultural differences can be a nightmare. In many instances, people fail to show up to the relevant jobs advertisement for fear of discrimination based on their culture. From this perspective, capacitated people fail to manifest their potential hence limiting maximization of profits. It, however, is imperative to note that not all people who fail to turn up have the technical requirements (Fiske 2011, pp. 67). Therefore, in as much as we try to harmonize the job application process, more attention should lean on quality and not culture. Despite the different priorities, the economy has to grow. It, however, cannot grow if cultural differences onset the application process. Maintaining a cultural fit is difficult, however, the separate cubicles of culture also needs attention. According to Boone and Kurtz 2011, ideal candidates can cause a disaster if a mismatch of culture exists in an organization. The multifaceted culture presents employees with different background, which subjects the job application process to tests. In terms of religion several laws exits, which govern people from given races and religious affiliations. In this regards, the laws prevent them from answering to or committing to some activities that contravene their faith. It, therefore, is the role of various application agencies to harmonize the job application process to limit stereotyping or the thought of discrimination (Samovar, Porter and McDaniel 2007, pp. 67). Notably, the job application process ought to be smooth and fair to all; however, cultural difference has developed it to be a nightmare for different people. The lifestyle job market requires women and men fit physically as well as emotionally. To ensure candidates qualify for the respective job advertisements, some recruitment agencies go to extra lengths of physically examining applicant bodies. In as much as it might be a challenge to all people, it mainly presents a challenge to the Hindu and Islam culture who disguise their bodies to be holy. In addition, their women cannot expose any part of their body except to the husbands (Avery, Lerman & Volpone, 2010, pp. 331). This is a major challenge to the job application process where one has to balance quality and culture. Notably, this is the same trend in military job application processes where several parts of the body have to undergo examination. Empirical evidence exists to support cultural diversity in workplaces under efficient management strategies (Samovar, Porter and McDaniel 2007, pp. 69). However, the differences play out in the job application process where different companies specify the nature of person required. In terms of race many black, Asian, white and Chinese people have faced problems in the application p

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Programmatic Changes in the Islamic Politics Assignment

Programmatic Changes in the Islamic Politics - Assignment Example People of the west have been misinformed about Islam as some of their journalists have disseminated wrong information about Islam and created a bad impression about the religion. Though, some of these aspersions are relatively true as some minor members of the Islamic community are guilty of what they have been accused of, but this is not to say that the whole Islamic community should be regarded as being demonic. In view of these accusations, the government of the Islamic countries should create a medium that would seek to portray the good image of Islam and the people that practice the religion to the Western countries and this would go a long way in correcting the wrong impression that has already been created about the religion. The Muslim societies have been known to practice a religion that does not permit freedom in their societies. The negativity in this impression should also be corrected as the religion does not tolerate sin and frowns against performing activities that could cause a person to commit sin. The Islamic community is, in fact, a free society as the individuals in these societies have the freedom to choose and do what they liked as long as it does not impede on their religion and take their hearts away from their God. The only thing that could be said not be free in Islam is that they do not have the freedom to sin and the act of doing this attracts severe penalties in the religion. The Western civilization, which is known for its principle of freedom and the protection of the fundamental human rights of its citizen claim that Islam does not guarantee freedom to all. They are of the opinion that the laws of Islam do not permit freedom to the bulk of its citizen, which includes women and the youths.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Money and the federal reserve system Term Paper

Money and the federal reserve system - Term Paper Example The Federal Reserve had always played an immense role in controlling the financially crucial situations ever originated in the USA. Its instruments come in the form of feasible monetary policies that take care not only of any present crisis but also those of the future. A good example is its mode of activities in the face of the recent global meltdown that not only helped in controlling the crisis but included measures to effectively control any aftermath. The present paper deals with the institution’s monetary policies which from time to time had acted like a shield against an economic crisis, for the country. 2 One of the commonest names which often come up as one of the strongest financial regulatory bodies in the world is that of the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve, often abbreviated as the Fed, being the apex financial institution of USA is responsible for designing the monetary policies of the economy and hence for controlling the flow of money in the nation. Since the amount of money supply is a decisive factor behind the credit availability and hence that of any inflationary developments in an economy, the importance of the institution cannot be slighted. Inflation can often have larger outcomes, ranging from severe unemployment to that of a financial crisis. Thus, there must be an institution in every nation entrusted with taking care of the vice; the Federal Reserve does the job in USA (Schenk, n.d.). The Fed has been conferred the responsible of planning the monetary policies for USA since . Its basic objective had been to work-out a feasible solution given the prevailing economic condition of the economy so as to provide a brighter and better future to the countrymen. However, the string of the ultimate power of the bank is largely bestowed in the hands of the Congress. Recently though, on October 2008, the grips have been loosened a bit and the bank has been given the right to endow

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Importance of Expression Essay Example for Free

The Importance of Expression Essay â€Å"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind†(Mill). This quote, by John Stuart Mill, is a quote that I originally disagreed with. Before reading the essay, I thought on all of the different examples in which the silencing of a certain opinion can be beneficial to the masses. A particular example that still sticks out to me is the silencing of the Westboro Baptist Church, a prolific hate group known for speaking out against marine funerals and picketing tragedies such as the Sandy Hook Massacre. How could such a volatile group of hate mongers possibly have any right to such opinions? But after reading a few different essays on the subject, and applying the opinions and logic of the authors into my daily life and other real world situations, I came to the conclusion that all ideas and opinions should be openly debated, respected, and tolerated regardless of how society views the subject matter, so as to enlighten and instill progress in mankind. In modern times, I have frequently noticed how quick people are to jump down the throats of those who do not share their similar opinion. A good example of this is the group of people I hang out with, who are all extremely liberal. As soon as I would make any commentary against certain controversial subjects, such as Affirmative Action and abortion, my friends would immediately disagree with everything I say. Instead of using proper etiquette in their arguments, they digress to sarcasm, name calling, and bias. To them, silencing my opinion is more important than enlightening me, and even if their intentions were to do so, the overly aggressive way in which they argue is extremely counterproductive. It was almost as if they viewed me as immoral person simply because I did not agree with them on certain things. Not only is this mentality prevalent in small social groups, but across the world people are being jailed for having beliefs that contradict with the beliefs of the general public, and this is happening not only in countries that deny their citizens freedom of speech. In Sweden, four men were arrested for handing out leaflets that called homosexuality â€Å"deviant† and â€Å"morally destructive† (William). In England, a man was arrested for displaying in his window a 9/11 poster proclaiming â€Å"Islam out of Britain,† (William) and in France a man was arrested for writing an article debunking the plausibility of poison gas technology in Nazi concentration camps (William). It seems that, ironically, the more politically correct the world becomes, the more intolerant it is towards unfavorable opinions. The first point I have learned and applied to my life is temperance in arguments. In many cases, opinions are withheld because of the fear of verbal abuse, sarcasm, personal attacks, and extreme bias. Temperance is very important when arguing with another person, as well as a certain level of etiquette. The worst and most demeaning thing a person can do is stigmatize there opponent as an immoral person just because they don’t agree with them. Attacking someone you don’t agree with in this way may not be the same as taking legal action to silence them, but it is still a silencing technique none the less and is just as immoral. When you stifle one opinion in favor of another, no matter how ridiculous of an opinion it is, and no matter how certain you are that you are correct in your views, the supported opinion loses nearly all inherent meaning; it is passed to future generations who accept it simply because there is nothing else to accept. Not only are no arguments made against the doctrine, but no arguments are made in favor of it either. Overtime, people forget the beliefs meaning, its semantics are lost, and it becomes nothing more than a collection of fixed forms. An opinion is like a hypothesis; it is based on some fact, but must be tested repeatedly to see if it can be proven true. An idea that is not argued frequently and passionately loses its meaning, and people become apathetic to its cause. Another reason all opinions should be openly debated is that, although popular opinion on intangible subjects often contain most of the truth, rarely, if ever, do they contain the absolute truth. Sometimes a coalition of two opposing ideas can lead to a compromise that contains a more absolute truth. To accept that an opinion is false simply because everyone tells you so is complete ignorance, the same can be said about silencing an opinion. To silence an opinion is to assume that said opinion is infallibly false. Any person, group, or organization that claims to know such an infallible truth is ignorant indeed, because to proclaim an absolute truth, you must prove that the truth can be applied to every single situation regardless of context. To my knowledge, anything that is claimed to be an absolute truth, that cannot be physically tested, cannot be proven. For example, one may argue that â€Å"racial discrimination is wrong† is an infallible truth. Well I could argue that, in some religions, such as Rastafarianism, only allow people of a certain color, in this case African American, to join their religion. Would this make all Rastafarians who agree with this morally wrong? These is an example in which an unpopular opinion, â€Å"racial discrimination is not morally wrong† can be bogged down by social stigmas perpetrated by the media, but still contain a portion of the truth. Even though, in general, such a statement can be perceived as negative and immoral, its flaws do not outweigh the portion of truth contained within it enough to justify condemnation. A common complaint against my points would be the viewpoint on morality. In my essay I have defended every opinion that would usually be regarded as immoral. It would be wrong to say, though, that I am defending the actual meanings of these opinions, I am certainly not a racist bigot, but I am defending the right of people to have these opinions. So, why should hate groups, such as the Westboro Baptist Church, have the right to preach against so many principles that I hold dear? Through the readings of various essays in my HMXP book, I have learned that it is because of temperance. Without temperance, I am just as bad as the Westboro Baptist Church, when I chastise the arguments of my peers without having an open mind, I am just as bad as the media in today’s society, and when I try to silence others who are trying to voice their opinions, in a way I am just as bad as the governments in Europe who are preventing people from speaking their minds. If I can make an effort to change my ways, and make an effort to become less ignorant and open minded, even towards things that seem ludicrous or inane, not only will I be able to strengthen my beliefs, but I may also exchange old beliefs for new, more credible ones. All in all, if everyone in the world respected one another’s opinions, tolerated each other’s beliefs, and openly debated issues with a certain level of temperance, then the world would advance both morally and intellectually.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

What are the Qualities of an Effective Leader?

What are the Qualities of an Effective Leader? Mankind never had a society that did not have a leader or a leading group. Leaders were given power to decide the fate of their countries or organizations. Throughout history, scholars and historians praised great leaders, and harshly castigated incompetent ones. Great leaders brought their nation to prosperity and order, whereas incompetent leaders led the nation to ruins and made their people suffer and die. All leaders, eventually, reached a resolve; I shall make my country prosperous. There were many great thinkers who pointed out what the qualities of a good leader who can bring prosperity and order in the society, and some of them contradicted each other in the most drastic way. However, qualities of a great/effective leader are charisma that can manipulate peoples mind at ones will, mental stability that can control ones own emotions, ability to bring out the best from the seemingly most unhelpful resources, perceptive skill that can detect the truth, and brilliance of both mi nd and body with necessary cruelty and wickedness. In other words, the most effective leader should be nearly perfect or inhumane at some point. Manipulation of the human mind is, I believe, the most important quality of an effective leader. The definition of manipulation is the same as control. However, who really wants to be controlled when they have their own free will? That is why, a manipulation of a great leader is control without restriction, but control with free will. As a leader, one must constantly check whether his group of people are under his influence. Of course, most of the time, position gives a person immense influence over the people of the group, like the pope or a military leader. The pope, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church, had a great influence over the strong sponsors of Catholicism until the end of Renaissance Europe. Military leaders, on the other hand, are capable of starting an uprising all by themselves. One general rule that applies in the military is simple: follow without question. This gives them the authority to control people without any difficulties, but we do not call them effective leaders just because their influence can cause substantial damage to the society. The manipulation of an effective leader is not forced, but voluntary. The case of the popes is forced because the sponsors religion requires them to help the pope when in times of need, and furthermore, if some sponsors do not cooperate, this group of non-religious people will be isolated from the community of leaders and lose what influence they had. Therefore, it is not entirely voluntary but mostly forced. An effective leader can make people do what he or she wants them to do without telling them to do so because the interest of the people lie parallel with that of the leader. An effective leaders people do what they feel necessary for them to do, without knowing that the leader wanted them to move in this way, just like how Lao tzu described a good leader. A clear example is Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin. According to the Record of the Great historian, also known as Shiji(à ¥Ã‚ Ã‚ ²Ã ƒ ¨Ã‚ ¨Ã‹Å"), by Sima Qian, although Li Shimin gained his throne through an immoral mean, he later made his nation prosperous that even when a valuable property fell on the ground, no one bothered to pick them up thinking that someone might have lost it in unconsciously. Also, when there were catastrophes that flooded a whole city, people, without taking orders from anyone, went out to help in the rebuilding process. This was in fact the very thing that Li Shimin wanted to see happen and his popularity has given him the power to manipulate people without doubting that it will cause them ruin. Some might ask why manipulation is the key element for an effective leader. Would it not be like playing god? Is it not that the same as controlling people with sweet talking, or luring children with candies? Indeed, it might look like playing god, but power of god is way beyond the abilities of humans. The god in this context is not necessarily god from the bible, but a supernatural being with immense powers to create, control, and destroy mankind. One of his powers can be described as invisible string that treats humans like puppets, whereas manipulations done by a leader is like a contract that enables each other to act, but for a very long period of time. Gods power makes men work like his puppet, a doll that can be controlled with his invisible hand, broken, and forgotten. If a person A is considered to be controllable, breakable, and forgettable by another person B, then it means that this person A is not an equal of person B, but person A becomes an inferior of person B. There are no man that can do such thing for they neither have the power to completely control another persons mind nor have the cruelty to treat everyone, including their family, as lesser than themselves. That is the limitation of people compared to the ability of a god. Now, if this is not godly at all, it seems like luring children with sweets. To this statement, I must ask; does it really? Is it a give and take process? If manipulation was indeed a give and take process, that would require one to lose a thing and gain something else. In comparison with the given idea, the leader must give something to the people and earn something, and the people should gain something and lose something. In this manipulative process, no side loses anything because the concept of pain of losing a possession is non-existent in this case. Naturally, a fact that all human can agree on is the following statement, if one loses his or her possession, he or she feels pain for the loss. In logic, when one sta tement, If P, then Q is true, then its inversion, If not P then not Q, of its conversion, If not Q then not P, becomes true, which is also called a contraposition. Considering the previous statement true, logic states that its contraposition, if one does not feel pain for loss, one did not lose anything, becomes true. Therefore, neither side lost anything to each other. Consider how two lovers give each other gifts and supports. If one side needs something, another will gladly provide it knowing very well that the giver will not benefit a lot. There is no pain of losing a possession in this situation, and furthermore, the giver will not say he has lost anything. Perceptive skill is a follow up of manipulation of people. Perceptive skill refers to an ability to see the truth and to understand a matter, object, and other people with great competence. People with this skill are likely draw closer to the essence of the problem. A leader needs this because the ability to detect the essence of the problem will most likely give a leader a very good position to start the job. If the problem is unknown, there can be no solution at all. Furthermore, if the problem is misunderstood, it is highly probable that one will never reach most appropriate answer to the problem. The case of Edward Blackbeard Teach can show that perceptive skill is one of the quality of a good leader. He understood that commanding a fleet required a man with more than just brute force. The problem was how to get a strong grip on the interest and faith of his crews and captains. He, despite being a pirate, was intelligible enough to get the attention of his crew by following their opinions. If their opinions seemed fair enough, he considered them. Also, he had an intimidating body build and face; and he did not kill or inflict harm on his captives, but cultivated a sense of fear in them, making the story to be exaggerated and avoid fighting as much as possible, and plunder without much fighting. Even during his fight, he always attached slow burning fumes to his hair and beard to give his enemies and crews a demonic image. This pirate leader achieved success mostly from his ability to see the problem with the commanding a group of people. His understanding of the working of human mind made him an epitome of pirates during his era. Another important quality of an effective leader is mental stability in any situation, which means even if someone was brutally murdered in front of him or her, he or she can maintain his clear sense of reality and give rational options for the problem. There is a proverb in Korea which says, Even if one is in a tigers jaw, get the mind right, one can survive. This means that despite any circumstance, if one can remain sane, he or she can overcome those circumstances. Therefore, control of emotion is crucial. For instance, if a leader happens to come across an incident where his people have messed with him, he will form some kind of grudge upon those people even though he knows that he should not. The grudge will keep accumulating as time passes, and leader will eventually release it with his granted power. This could be devastating for the country. An example in which a leader failed by no control of emotion is Yeonsangun of Joseon Dynasty. According to the Annals of the Joseon Dyna sty , this king had no patience whatsoever, and whenever he was angry, he would kill his subjects without any hesitation. This led to the frustration of the citizens and other officials, both corrupt and righteous. The result was an uprising that had damaged the country for a long period of time. Uncontrolled emotion leads everyone, including the leader himself, to ruin. Control of emotion, or maintaining the stability of ones mind is crucial. Another crucial component of being a leader is his ability to make decisions that will bring the best outcome out of any circumstances. Imagine a stock broker who is in charge of distributing his clients money to buy the stocks to bring them more money to and in turn earn compensation. This requires a lot of researching and decision making above all. With the same given resources, a slight change can make a certain company grow bigger or go bankrupt. It is the job of a stock broker to convince his clients to use him and spend their money to make it grow bigger. The same can be said about a leader. A leader is chosen by the people, given powers by the people, and asked to take responsibility for the improvement of the society. To be a good leader, it is necessary for them to have the capability and competence to make the right decisions. Wuzi, the strategist during the warring state period in China, had a personal belief that if ever one wants a battle won, it is necessary to have the right decision making accordingly. He stated various ways to keep soldiers motivated and answers for some of the situations in the battlefield that can lead to right decision making. It is said that with his strategies, he won almost all battles he had joined in his 50 years of being a military commander. So, it is always important for a leader to make the correct decision to bring out the best result. Last qualities that a leader needs are brilliance and cruelty. It is quite obvious that a superior man is given more privileges and power because most people would choose a smarter and stronger man to be their leader because this stronger man is capable of thinking, or doing things that they cannot do. However, it may be questionable as to why a leader needs to be cruel. It actually is necessary for them to be cruel as well as brilliant because cruelty brings fear, and fear, if used well, can bring order. It is not a cruelty that is embedded with anger or frustration. It is rather a cruelty used as a means to control the people. Control is necessary if the society is to maintain its order. Take Joseph Stalin for example; he was cruel and demanded complete control over the people he was ruling. Although in a repressed nature, he was able to bring some order in Soviet Union. So, the essay has discussed some of the important qualities of being a leader. It can be said that if a person has one or two of those qualities, that person has some chances of being a good leader. However, a person cannot have all the aspects mentioned in this essay, for that would be too perfect of a human being. It is difficult for a person to have charisma that can manipulate peoples mind at ones will. Also, it would be extremely difficult to acquire mental stability that can control emotions in the face of gory and painful death. As far as I am concerned, there are limits in which humans are capable of and a single human can only be so good as to have one of two of the qualities of a good leader. To be successful like the leaders previously discussed, it will not take all but few of the qualities of an efficient leader.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Problems of Facebook :: Social Networking, Pro Con Essays

The popular site,, has amassed more than one billion registrants since it started in February 2004. It is another social networking site, just like and, which is common to High School and College students. But this is no ordinary site; people’s lives literally revolve around Facebook. I have a Facebook account and log in at least once a day. I personally believe that Facebook is a fun and interactive site. However, some students may not feel that same way because they have encountered some negative aspects, aside from Facebook’s legal problems. Students who want to find jobs may regret posting private pictures and comments on Facebook. Employers not only screen resumes and conduct interviews, but also view job candidates’ Facebook profiles. The boss wants to know if the applicant is actually a â€Å"professional.† Pictures may show the person drinking, smoking, or doing other unprofessional activities. Offensive comments can also hurt an applicant’s chances of getting the job. Not many Colleges check up on their students through Facebook, but Oxford University is an expert at doing just that. Any picture or comment pertaining to illegal activities will lead to a student being charged with a fine. Since I am about to head off to college soon, I would disapprove of this invasion of privacy. Nonetheless, other colleges may soon pick up this way to spy on their students. Just as MySpace has online predators, Facebook may have some too. Some Facebook users have profiles with personal information that are visible to everyone. AOL screen names, phone numbers, and even addresses are posted on the site. Police are now looking into Facebook because a few convicted sex offenders have registered on the site. The entire Facebook company is being sued by three owners of ConnectU, which is another social networking site.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Job Study on the Australian Air Force :: essays research papers

JOB STUDY Training and Advancement 1.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Are there any educational or other qualifications your employer would expect for the job you are doing? Following appointment as an Officer in the Air Force, you'll undergo an Initial Officer Course (IOC) at the Officer Training School, RAAF Base Williams (Point Cook) 20 km south west of Melbourne, Victoria. This course aims to teach you the leadership skills needed to become an Air Force Officer. The course is a combination of theory and practical training. While leadership forms the core of your training, the major elements of the course are designed to introduce you to military life, Air Force values and attitudes, personal development, organisational management, communication skills, general and specific military skills, security, drill and Air Force operations studies. Not only will you be taught Air Force specific subjects, but you'll also take part in a wide variety of subjects such as ground defence training, where you'll be taught weapons handling, field craft, communications, defences, patrolling, various types of warfare and the Rules of Engagement. A reasonable level of fitness is required for entry, however any active person who spends some of their time exercising or playing competitive sport should not have difficulty meeting the standards. 2.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Would you have to do a special course of study? An Australian Defence Force Careers Adviser says that officer applicants must demonstrate excellent leadership, management, organisational and communication skills, and be highly disciplined and fit. Everyone who completes officer training is guaranteed a job in the RAAF. Due to the high level of training that is involved, a minimum service period of 6 to 12 years is required. During training, ADFA first year cadets earn about $16,000, which increases to $25,000 in the fourth year. Once fully qualified, salaries range from $40,270 up to $63,249. Airforce pilots and navigators are entitled to a flying allowance, which is based on years of qualified flying service and is added to the base salary. The starting salary for direct entry officer cadets (non degree qualified) is $23,692 and $25,185 for qualified officers. Options For Potential Officers There are two pathways you can take to become an officer in the RAAF. You can go into the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) as a University level entrant, but you must have completed Year 12 and be between the age of 17 and 26. Not only are you paid to study at ADFA, but also you are immediately employed as an officer in the RAAF.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Ecotage :: Environmental Activism Essays

Ecotage In recent decades, as environmental loss has grown as fast as our population, hundreds of plans, programs, groups and organizations have been established in order to uncover and solve the causes of world-wide environmental destruction. Many of these programs are initiated and funded by federal, state and local government and are mainly targeted at general problems and result in minimal success. Other groups have been formed by private parties who usually hold more compassion and concern for the causes they are working for. However, these organizations are easily hindered by political resistance and result in equally discouraging results. Of course, there have been many instances in which environmental groups have attained victory through political debates and litigation; yet the amount of failed attempts far outweighs the victories. Political debating is incredibly difficult due to the power and financial support given to politicians by special interest groups. However, there is one other form of activism which has had an incredible success rate, at least in gaining attention and forcing their voices to be heard. This form of activism, commonly referred to as ecotage, focuses precisely on the activities of companies and industries which seriously damage the environment. These actions are never aimed at harming individuals, while private property is for the destroying. One common act of ecotage is the driving of long metal spikes vertically through the base of trees. Subsequently, as the logger attempts to saw the 'spiked' tree, the chain on the saw snaps, thus delaying the murder of the tree as well as causing a financial burden for the individual or company. Other activities involve ruining bulldozers by adding sand or similar abrasives to the gasoline, which results in seized bulldozer engines. In times of increased urgency for the protection of our remaining ecosystems, organizations such as Greenpeace and Earth First! have proven their ability to be effective and have their voices heard regarding the permanent preservation of our dwindling environment. While Greenpeace has been the traditional radical environmentalist group of the 70's and 80's, modern, revolutionary type activists feel the 'peace' is now a higher priority than the 'green'. Earth First!, started by Dave Forman, has become the front-runner in civil disobedience and direct, non-violent environmental activism. Their principles are simple, "It is a belief in biocentrism, or Deep Ecology, and a practice of putting our beliefs into action" (Unclaimed, 1997 [see references]). Earth First! feels no regard for the well-being of anyone or thing except the environment and its natural inhabitants, thus the name Earth First!.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Kantian Ethics

After reading the Oil rig case, it is evident that the case presented an all too common example of violating sound ethical business behavior where humans are subjected to ill treatment, unsafe work condition, and total disregard for their welfare. In this paper, I will attempt to apply the Kantian Ethics principles to this case in order to determine what went wrong in this situation. Kantian ethics followers believe that motive is one of the most crucial elements to be analyzed when trying to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong in everyday situations.According to Immanuel Kant, the founder of Kantian ethics, a moral action is one that is performed out of a sense of duty and which is based on a sense of knowing what one â€Å"ought† to do under certain circumstances; therefore, a morally acceptable action is one that is never motivated by reward. One of the fundamental beliefs of the Kantian Ethics is the need to protect the employees and consumers by advocating that profit is not an end in itself. The above mentioned belief emphasizes the fact that organizations should not engage in exploiting consumers and employees for the sole reason to make profits.As such, and based on the Kantian Ethics guiding principles, the Stratton Oil Company is committing unethical acts against the African employees. The company engages in profit maximizing by exploiting the African laborers for long hours with poor living conditions, unsafe work environment, and mediocre evacuation plans. The Workers on this oil rigs, both on land and off-shore, are routinely exposed to health and safety hazards in an attempt to cut cost and maximize profits. The management team failed to implement a culture that fosters the employee's best interests.By putting a value on human dignity, the company has disdainfully treated its employees as a means to an end. The managing team regarded the risks associated with running this rig as acceptable which most definitely constitutes a major problem for Kant and his followers. Furthermore, Kant emphasizes that profits must be utilized to better the livelihood of all stakeholders to include but not limited to the shareholders, employees both African and Expatriates, the consumers they serve, and the environment they operate within.In this case, the company did not invest in the well being of the many African laborers as compared to the few expatriates. The company is not willing to spend additional funds to provide helicopter rides to the local employees for example, and continues to allow for eighteen hour boat trips following long working days at sea. Also, due to poor budgeting decision, the company elected not to provide proper medical attention to the locals and allowed for extreme medical measures such as finger and limb amputation as compared to reconstruction surgery provided to the expats.Obviously, the company recognizes the importance of preserving one's body organs but chose to implement policies that guarantee a better quality of life for some and the worst for others. Kant's second Categorical Imperative: (Humanity or End in Itself formulation) implies to â€Å"Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end. would require safe working conditions, a decent wage for all people, and no discriminating treatment of foreign employees. The Stratton Oil Company has not behaved as law-making members of a kingdom of ends. Instead, they allowed a series of abuses in order to make a greater profit. Another aspect where this case fails the Kantian Ethics model is the fact that employees are also expected to work in a democratic manner where they are continuously contributing to all business decisions.The Kingdom of Ends principle implies that employees not only have a right to whistle blow but in fact it is their duty to do so. Kantian theory instructs people to act i n harmony with universally accepted rules. I believe that Kant would want an individual to stand firm in telling the truth, regardless of personal outcome. In our case, the Expats are violating an important Kantian Ethical principle by not reporting the unethical practices enforced by the company and encouraged by the expats themselves.Turning a blind eye to such practices not only goes against the primary goal of the Kantian philosophy but also would violate the basic virtues of honesty and courage. The Expats are in fact looking the other way in fear of loosing their current luxurious status, and even worst fearing the possible retaliation from the company. Throughout his writings, Kant explained that a business organization should be regarded as a manifestation of a moral community which, in turns, emphasizes the need for employers to treat their employees with care and with the upmost respect.Given the horrible living conditions provided to the African laborers as described in t he given case, it is evident that the Stratton Oil Company had built the African oil rig site on total disregard to any sense of community. Such observation is based on the clear disparity between the mediocre living conditions provided to the African laborers as compared to the luxurious living quarters provided to the few expatriates. Generally speaking, the life of an oil rig worker is unique in several respects.Workers spend few weeks at a time on the rig per stint and then transported back to land for about the same period off. Since the rigs are typically located hundreds of miles from the shore, it can be an isolating experience that some aren't emotionally equipped to handle. The management team recognizes the need for a better social life since, undeniably, provided the luxurious setup for the expatriates on one side, and totally disregarded the need for similar social amenities for the African workers.This case also brings to light an important ethical dilemma linking the business to the Environment. Of course, Kant would give the environment legal rights rather than moral rights (Paul Taylor’s point of view) which makes perfect sense when explaining the nature of the relationship between business and the environment. Businesses should always follow environmental law as this is something that can be universalized. In other words, I would think that Kant would urge the company to use the environment in moderation due to the Universalizability principle.In our study case, some conscientious shareholders concerned with the environmental impact of these rigs have complained indicating the seriousness of the environmental violations currently practiced by the company. In conclusion, in this area of business ethics, it is obvious that the company is using the African labor market in an attempt to maximize profits from the use of cheap labor. I would argue that Kant would disagree with such practice: my first reason is that Kant said you cannot use t he workers as a means to an end.Furthermore, they should be treated equally to those expatriates' workers from the western hemisphere. Several conditions must be satisfied in order to use the available foreign labor such as: i. Workers must freely choose to work with no added pressures from the local authorities, a common practice known all over the third world countries. ii. The work should be ‘meaningful’ and provide opportunities for all employees regardless of the country of origin. iii. All workers should be allowed to develop morally and physically. iv.The salary must be fair among all the employees based on the working conditions and qualifications. v. Finally leisure activities of some sort should be equally offered to all employees. In other words, applying the duty and goodwill to this case, will solve the issue of foreign labor exploitation and help establish a morally responsible company with solid sustainable goals. However, it is worth nothing that it is i mpossible to totally apply this theory to business ethics given the nature of Kantian ethics which makes it unrealistic to create firms not be driven by profit but rather by duty. Kantian Ethics After reading the Oil rig case, it is evident that the case presented an all too common example of violating sound ethical business behavior where humans are subjected to ill treatment, unsafe work condition, and total disregard for their welfare. In this paper, I will attempt to apply the Kantian Ethics principles to this case in order to determine what went wrong in this situation. Kantian ethics followers believe that motive is one of the most crucial elements to be analyzed when trying to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong in everyday situations.According to Immanuel Kant, the founder of Kantian ethics, a moral action is one that is performed out of a sense of duty and which is based on a sense of knowing what one â€Å"ought† to do under certain circumstances; therefore, a morally acceptable action is one that is never motivated by reward. One of the fundamental beliefs of the Kantian Ethics is the need to protect the employees and consumers by advocating that profit is not an end in itself. The above mentioned belief emphasizes the fact that organizations should not engage in exploiting consumers and employees for the sole reason to make profits.As such, and based on the Kantian Ethics guiding principles, the Stratton Oil Company is committing unethical acts against the African employees. The company engages in profit maximizing by exploiting the African laborers for long hours with poor living conditions, unsafe work environment, and mediocre evacuation plans. The Workers on this oil rigs, both on land and off-shore, are routinely exposed to health and safety hazards in an attempt to cut cost and maximize profits. The management team failed to implement a culture that fosters the employee's best interests.By putting a value on human dignity, the company has disdainfully treated its employees as a means to an end. The managing team regarded the risks associated with running this rig as acceptable which most definitely constitutes a major problem for Kant and his followers. Furthermore, Kant emphasizes that profits must be utilized to better the livelihood of all stakeholders to include but not limited to the shareholders, employees both African and Expatriates, the consumers they serve, and the environment they operate within.In this case, the company did not invest in the well being of the many African laborers as compared to the few expatriates. The company is not willing to spend additional funds to provide helicopter rides to the local employees for example, and continues to allow for eighteen hour boat trips following long working days at sea. Also, due to poor budgeting decision, the company elected not to provide proper medical attention to the locals and allowed for extreme medical measures such as finger and limb amputation as compared to reconstruction surgery provided to the expats.Obviously, the company recognizes the importance of preserving one's body organs but chose to implement policies that guarantee a better quality of life for some and the worst for others. Kant's second Categorical Imperative: (Humanity or End in Itself formulation) implies to â€Å"Act in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a means, but always at the same time as an end. would require safe working conditions, a decent wage for all people, and no discriminating treatment of foreign employees. The Stratton Oil Company has not behaved as law-making members of a kingdom of ends. Instead, they allowed a series of abuses in order to make a greater profit. Another aspect where this case fails the Kantian Ethics model is the fact that employees are also expected to work in a democratic manner where they are continuously contributing to all business decisions.The Kingdom of Ends principle implies that employees not only have a right to whistle blow but in fact it is their duty to do so. Kantian theory instructs people to act i n harmony with universally accepted rules. I believe that Kant would want an individual to stand firm in telling the truth, regardless of personal outcome. In our case, the Expats are violating an important Kantian Ethical principle by not reporting the unethical practices enforced by the company and encouraged by the expats themselves.Turning a blind eye to such practices not only goes against the primary goal of the Kantian philosophy but also would violate the basic virtues of honesty and courage. The Expats are in fact looking the other way in fear of loosing their current luxurious status, and even worst fearing the possible retaliation from the company. Throughout his writings, Kant explained that a business organization should be regarded as a manifestation of a moral community which, in turns, emphasizes the need for employers to treat their employees with care and with the upmost respect.Given the horrible living conditions provided to the African laborers as described in t he given case, it is evident that the Stratton Oil Company had built the African oil rig site on total disregard to any sense of community. Such observation is based on the clear disparity between the mediocre living conditions provided to the African laborers as compared to the luxurious living quarters provided to the few expatriates. Generally speaking, the life of an oil rig worker is unique in several respects.Workers spend few weeks at a time on the rig per stint and then transported back to land for about the same period off. Since the rigs are typically located hundreds of miles from the shore, it can be an isolating experience that some aren't emotionally equipped to handle. The management team recognizes the need for a better social life since, undeniably, provided the luxurious setup for the expatriates on one side, and totally disregarded the need for similar social amenities for the African workers.This case also brings to light an important ethical dilemma linking the business to the Environment. Of course, Kant would give the environment legal rights rather than moral rights (Paul Taylor’s point of view) which makes perfect sense when explaining the nature of the relationship between business and the environment. Businesses should always follow environmental law as this is something that can be universalized. In other words, I would think that Kant would urge the company to use the environment in moderation due to the Universalizability principle.In our study case, some conscientious shareholders concerned with the environmental impact of these rigs have complained indicating the seriousness of the environmental violations currently practiced by the company. In conclusion, in this area of business ethics, it is obvious that the company is using the African labor market in an attempt to maximize profits from the use of cheap labor. I would argue that Kant would disagree with such practice: my first reason is that Kant said you cannot use t he workers as a means to an end.Furthermore, they should be treated equally to those expatriates' workers from the western hemisphere. Several conditions must be satisfied in order to use the available foreign labor such as: i. Workers must freely choose to work with no added pressures from the local authorities, a common practice known all over the third world countries. ii. The work should be ‘meaningful’ and provide opportunities for all employees regardless of the country of origin. iii. All workers should be allowed to develop morally and physically. iv.The salary must be fair among all the employees based on the working conditions and qualifications. v. Finally leisure activities of some sort should be equally offered to all employees. In other words, applying the duty and goodwill to this case, will solve the issue of foreign labor exploitation and help establish a morally responsible company with solid sustainable goals. However, it is worth nothing that it is i mpossible to totally apply this theory to business ethics given the nature of Kantian ethics which makes it unrealistic to create firms not be driven by profit but rather by duty.

Monday, September 16, 2019

2000 U.S. Presidential election

The recap of the United States presidential elections of 2000 reveals it was one the most controversial election ever. The Democratic Party candidate Al Gore lost narrowly to the, Republican George W.Bush with a controversial small number of votes. Although the election was based on real issues that ranged from the international affairs, foreign policy, ethics and morality, they were overshadowed by the results at the count of the final vote. Al Gore enjoyed the popular vote but lost to George Bush because he lacked in the electoral votes. To the run up of the elections, opinion polls had predicted a closely run presidential race and it was not clear who would win the day[1].Al Gore had been nominated in the Democratic Party ticket and was groomed to succeed the outgoing democratic elect president bill Clinton. He defeated Senator Bill Bradley from New Jersey. From the start, Al Gore was receiving major endorsements from economic and political heavy weights in the party.Opinion polls used to show him as a front runner as majority of the people thought him of being tested and armed with necessary experience to propel America to greater heights, having been a vice president to Bill Clinton.In the Republican Party, George Bush was the party’s favorite. Potential aspirants in the party could not stand against him. To the traditional republican standards, George Bush was the right candidate. He was the son of a former President, Bush Senior, and the outgoing governor in one of the most populous state in America.Bush won the nomination by a large margin with his major competitor dogged with scandals that saw his support in the party plummet before the nominations. Bush’s running mate was Dick Cheney.The run up campaigns to elections were as heated as the elections themselves. The Republican themselves could be seen running advertisements that were favoring Ralph Nader, an independent candidate.This was an open bid to split the Democrats or the leftwing vote. Al Gore and Ralph Nader drew their support from the same people as they were espousing to tackle similar issues. The Republican had recognized a real threat from Al Gore and knew that if they drew on the obvious similarities, they could split the vote into two and secure a Republican win.The main differences that were propelling both parties were drawn from the issue of morality. Republicans traditionally have all along been at the fore front in safeguarding the morals in the society. Bush could also be heard making a scathing attack on the Democrats because of the Clintons scandal, vowing to restore morality in the nation and especially in the White House. However, despite the differences, both candidates were locked in a tight race as would be reflected in the elections that ensued.The preliminary reports on the elections on November 7 indicated that they were unexceptionally close. As expected, Bush had won decisively in the southern states and also in the rural states. Al Gore had recorded an early lead in the north eastern states.There were a number of states that were recording closely contested race but it became clear that it was in the state of Florida that the next president of the United States was to be announced. It is this state that remained the centre of focus as it held the key to deadlock. All the worlds’ eyes were glued on the outcome of the vote counting, for a period of close to one month.Initial reports by the media based on exit polls had indicated that Al Gore had taken the lead after clocking 25 electoral votes. A recap of the votes indicated that indeed Bush was ahead of Gore.After the media retracted the misleading news they were to place and declare that Bush was leading in Florida with a close but a decisive win. These reports too were misleading as the three Democrats rich counties had not completed their vote count and there were indications that Gore was closing in the gap.The media was to again retract the news on Bush’s lead and win. By the close of the day, Gore had closed in and the difference lay at 500 votes and he ordered a mandatory recount in a number of counties and also sought legal intervention.The United States Supreme Court quashed the complaints and gave a go ahead to the Florida state to announce the results. George Bush was announced the winner in the Florida state.[1]Wardle, Claire and Kate Kinks and Dan Orr, August 2001